Two white men arrested for launching rock at Black teen’s car in the same neighborhood Trayvon Martin was murdered.

It’s always hard to just exist as a Black person in this country. Did you know a few weeks ago, in the same county were Trayvon Martin was murdered, two men attempted to assault a young man for driving through an upscale neighborhood.


Check out this story from Yahoo on June 17, 2022 from Johanna Chisholm stating:

“Two white men in Florida have been arrested for allegedly launching a rock into a Black teen’s car while he was visiting friends in their suburban neighborhood, according to authorities.


Donald Eugene Corsi, 52, and Howard Oral Hughes, 61, were arrested on Wednesday for an incident that took place on Tuesday in Sanford, Seminole County court records show.


The suburban city, located about a half hour drive outside of Orlando, is also the same location where Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old Black boy, was fatally gunned down by George Zimmerman more than a decade ago…”


Once again, all we ever did was be Black!

We can barely exist without being ostracized just for the color of our skin…


@Steeze365daily showed her voice in the “Hope I don’t get killed for being Black today!” shirt  these acts against us! Keep tagging us and remember, the movement has a look.